Regina Housh says:
Like writer Paula Kaufman above, I also suffered from vision difficulties due to diabetis. Dr. Brent Easley suggested I conduct my own research on inForce and make an informed decision. I did and began taking 2 pills twice a day and later increased it to 3 pills. Where I once experienced very blurry vison with an additional element of what I describe as foggy, I now enjoy sharp, clear, crisp vision. As an avid reader this has proven invaluable on a daily basis. This improvement was within 2 weeks of first taking the inForce. I also recently had the normal bloodwork tests that all diabetics get on a regular basis. This was the first time my results were excellent on all tests. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a result of inForce. I look forward to whatever other improvements I notice with my health.