Category Archives: Preventative

Post Partum, and Pre- menstrual symptoms undercontrol by inLifes, inForce Immune Builder

Kimberly Kleinhenz says:


I am a 28 year-old single mother of two boys, ages 1 and 3. I have a full time job as the Sales and Marketing director of an extremely successful local wellness center here in Stuart, Florida. My job and small children keep me moving, and rarely allow down time for sickness or fatigue.

Working in the wellness industry I am exposed daily to a multitude of nutritional supplements, none of which have sparked any real interest in me. These “miracle cures” range from immune builders and weight loss systems, to organ and digestive cleansers. Although I have no major health or weight problems, I am not as healthy as I was prior to the birth of my two children.

After my first pregnancy, my energy level dropped dramatically. I was diagnosed with Post Partum Depression and put on anti- depressants and anti- anxiety medication. Becoming pregnant with my second son while my first was only nine months old drained me even more. Having these two back to back pregnancies depleted a lot of nutrients from my body, and I was sick frequently due to a compromised immune system. InForce was suggested to me by a co- worker, and on September 23rd I started a 45 day trial using six capsules a day. I felt a very subtle increase in energy within the first five days. Within the next 4-5 days I noticed that I felt healthier than I had prior to taking the InForce. The most substantial change that I noticed happened around days 14-17 when my menstrual cycle started and I had almost none of the regularly intense symptoms.

Ever since my children were born I have had severe pre- menstrual symptoms. I have had dramatic mood swings, severe cramping, and an increase in appetite and irritability. I was shocked when my period had started without any of the regular warning signs at all. It took me a day or so to realize the reason for what had happened. The only thing I had changed in my diet or lifestyle was adding the InForce. After that there were no substantial moments to document.

I also noticed that I wasn’t sick at all during the 45 days I was taking the InForce even though my children were sick with two different stomach bugs. It is not unusual for me to catch whatever my children bring home from school, especially now that I tended to get sick more easily.

My biggest testimony about InForce working in my life isn’t so much of an actual cure for a pre-existing illness as it is the prevention of what I am usually catching so easily. In addition it was regulating my menstrual cycle and the decrease in its monthly symptoms, all while increasing my energy level. I love the product and believe it has done nothing but benefit my life and my family. I would recommend InForce to anyone.

The pain of Fibromyalgia, subsided by alternative herbal treatment- inLifes Immune booster called inForce

Krista Stagg says:
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia over 13 years ago. I have tried every prescription drug my Dr. thought would help and tried so many supplements and vitamins that are supposed to help that I have lost count. I was getting by but never felt like I used to. I had good days and bad days, but mostly bad, so bad I couldn’t get out of bed for days at a time. I couldn’t get out of bed to play with my 3 wonderful little boys, I couldn’t get dinner on the table, I was basically bedridden much of the time. I was living but I was almost always in pain and had no energy. I was almost resigned to this and one day a dear friend told me about InFORCE. He shared how it had saved his life, and he encouraged me to try it. I, of course, was skeptical but I finally did. It has CHANGED my life. I now have a life!! After just a few days my energy levels were up, then after 2 weeks I realized I had NO Fibro pain, my muscles were pain free and to this day I haven’t had one flareup, even during times of intense stress. My husband has his wife back, my children have their mother back and everyday it just gets better. My blood pressure has gone down, I lost 15 lbs and no longer have problems sleeping, all because of InFORCE. I was able to stop taking 3 of my prescription meds that has saved me hundreds of dollars and best of all with InFORCE I have no bad side effects. I became an Independent Distributor and so far everyone who has bought this product has said how much better they feel and they keep ordering. I am so blessed to have my life back and to be able to share this with everyone! Thank you Scott and the InLife team. You’ve changed my life and I’m so excited for everyone who gets the opportunity to use InFORCE!! I have my life back and it’s all due to this incredible product!

Dr. Mark Flannery Joins inLife LLC’s Board as Medical Advisor

Irvine, California inLife, LLC distributors of science-based Health & Wellness products, today announced Dr. Mark Flannery joins inLife’s Board as Medical Advisor. Dr. Flannery, who specializes in the treatment of autoimmune disorders and chronic illness using advanced nutritional therapies is a Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition, a Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition, and a Certified Nutrition Specialist by the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists, today joins inLife to bring awareness and enlightenment to the public of inLife’s new immunological nutritional supplement, inForce Immune Builder.

Dr. Flannery who assists his patients in achieving their optimal health by focusing on correcting the imbalances in their physiology says, “After much research and analization of inLife inForce Immune Builder’s main ingredient Coriolus versicolor, I am very proud to be part of a company that is on the verge of helping many, many people realize their true health potential. In reviewing the research and viewing many of the testimonials so far submitted to inLife I am convinced that inForce Immune Builder should be part of everyone’s daily nutritional routine.” Dr. Flannery will also soon be seen interviewed by Cristina Ferrare on inLife’s soon-to-be-viewed national infomercial about the science behind inForce Immune Builder.

About Coriolus Versicolor

The Coriolus Versicolor mushroom is one of the most widely studied supplements for its immune building properties. Worldwide, there have been over 400 animal and human studies on Coriolus versicolor with over a dozen placebo-based human trials conducted in the west. Traditionally, the Coriolus versicolor mushroom (known as Yun-zhi or cloud mushroom in China) has been used in China for several thousand years because of its immune boosting capabilities. In the 1980s, Dr. Yang conducted further studies and was able to isolate a much more potent strain using a different, alcohol-based extraction process. The result was Polysaccharopeptide or PSP. In the United States, top-ranked hospital and research institutes have reported that Coriolus versicolor helps boost the body’s immune systems with limited side effects and safety of daily oral doses for extended periods of time. In addition, Coriolus versicolor and its potential positive effects has been studied very closely by M.D. Anderson, University of Texas, Loma Linda University, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School) , The University of San Diego, Sloan-Kettering Center (New York), and Bastyr University (Kenmore, Washington) just to name a few.

inLife Immune Builder with PSP and PSK

inLife offers Coriolus versicolor as a Daily Dietary Supplement in capsule form to help maintain and stimulate the body’s immune system. Coriolus versicolor and its high-potency extracts, PSK and PSP are among the most widely studied supplements for their immune building properties. One would be hard-pressed to find another immune boosting product that has had more research completed or positive comments associated with it. The amount of worldwide comments and studies is compelling. InForce Immune Builder is a proprietary blend of both Polysaccharide-K (PSK) and Polysaccharopeptide (PSP). Both offer much needed immune building assistance and they can be taken on a daily basis. The products are bottled in the United States in an FDA registered bottling facility that is CGMP compliant (Current Good Manufacturing Practices).

About inLife, LLC

Founded in 2007, inLife has been very successful in bringing to market products that have efficacies that are soundly based on scientific research. inLife products are now available in the U.S. as well as the U.K, Canada and Spain. For more information on inForce Immune Builder and the company, please review For further details on inForce, journalists may contact Thomas Kiklas directly at 949-648-2525.

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Founded in 2007, inLife has been very successful in bringing to market products that have efficacies that are soundly based on scientific research. For further details on inForce, journalists may contact Thomas Kiklas directly at 949-648-2525.

Click here to download this press release.

World Renowned Chiropractor, Dr. Jim Sigafoose, Joins inLife LLC to Promote Their New Immune Boosting Product inForce Immune Builder to the Chiropractic Community

Irvine, California (Oct 04, 2010) inLife LLC distributors of science-based Health & Wellness products today announced that Dr. Jim Sigafoose is joining inLife LLC to promote the immunological benefits of their new product, inForce. Dr. Sigafoose has become a great believer of inForce’s main ingredient Coriolus versicolor after studying all the scientific data and seeing firsthand those whose lives have already benefitted.

Dr James M. Sigafoose is recognized worldwide for his inspirational Chiropractic philosophy and motivational teaching. A Featured Speaker at Dynamic Essentials (DE) for over 45 years and a Team Speaker at Parker Seminars for the past 15 years, Dr. Sigafoose is considered one of the top speakers in the Chiropractic profession and a recognized leader in the world of natural healing. Dr Sigafoose has spoken internationally in countries including: Japan, Australia and Spain. He has been honored as Chiropractor of the Year numerous times by various Chiropractic colleges and organizations.

About Coriolus Versicolor

The Coriolus Versicolor mushroom is one of the most widely studied supplements for its immune building properties. Worldwide, there have been over 400 animal and human studies on Coriolus versicolor with over a dozen placebo-based human trials conducted in the west. Traditionally, the Coriolus versicolor mushroom (known as Yun-zhi or cloud mushroom in China) has been used in China for several thousand years because of its immune boosting capabilities. In the 1980s, Dr. Yang conducted further studies and was able to isolate a much more potent strain using a different, alcohol-based extraction process. The result was Polysaccharopeptide or PSP. In the United States, top-ranked hospital and research institutes have reported that Coriolus versicolor helps boost the body’s immune systems with limited side effects and safety of daily oral doses for extended periods of time. In addition, Coriolus versicolor and its potential positive effects has been studied very closely by M.D. Anderson, University of Texas, Loma Linda University, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School) , The University of San Diego, Sloan-Kettering Center (New York), and Bastyr University (Kenmore, Washington) just to name a few.

inLife Immune Builder with PSP and PSK

inLife offers Coriolus versicolor as a Daily Dietary Supplement in capsule form to help maintain and stimulate the body’s immune system. Coriolus versicolor and its high-potency extracts, PSK and PSP are among the most widely studied supplements for their immune building properties. One would be hard-pressed to find another immune boosting product that has had more research completed or positive comments associated with it. The amount of worldwide comments and studies is compelling. InForce Immune Builder is a proprietary blend of both Polysaccharide-K (PSK) and Polysaccharopeptide (PSP). Both offer much needed immune building assistance and they can be taken on a daily basis. The products are bottled in the United States in an FDA registered bottling facility that is CGMP compliant (Current Good Manufacturing Practices).

About inLife LLC

Founded in 2007, inLife has been very successful in bringing to market products that have efficacies that are soundly based on scientific research. inLife products are now available in the U.S. as well as the U.K, Canada and Spain. For more information on inForce Immune Builder and the company, please review For further details on inForce, journalists may contact Thomas Kiklas directly at 949-648-2525.

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Founded in 2007, inLife has been very successful in bringing to market products that have efficacies that are soundly based on scientific research. For further details on inForce, journalists may contact Thomas Kiklas directly at 949-648-2525.

Click here to download this press release.

Alternating immunotherapy of advanced gastric carcinoma: A randomized comparison of carbazilquinone and PSK to carbazilquinone in patients with curative gastric resection

A total of 103 patients with advanced gastric carcinoma were randomized after curative surgery to receive an alternate administration of carabzilquinone (CQ) and PSK (Krestin) or carbazilquinone alone. Each course of therapies started 1 week after the surgical operation and therapy schedules consisted of 9 courses. In each course of 6 weeks, CQ was administered on day 0, 8, and 15. In combined immunochemotherapy group, PSK was given orally in 3-divided doses of 2g/m^2/day from the day of the third CQ administration for consecutive 4 weeks. Estimated survival rate and cumulative survival curve were compared untilizing the data up to 7 years after the operation. There was no overall significant difference in survival rates between the CQ plus PSK group and the CQ alone group, but a group of patients survived significantly longer when treated with the combination of CQ and PSK. Neither in more advanced cases nor in cancers of early stages, the addition of PSK provided an additive effect. The favorable result obtained in one subgroup treated with PSK, suggests that the use of this agent in treating gastric cancers should be carefully evaluated in terms of serosal infiltration and nodal metastasis.?

For full article click here.

Lack of prevention of large intestinal cancer by VPS, an extract of Coriolus versicolor mushroom.

Coles M, Toth B.

Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198, USA.


Cancer prevention studies were conducted with VPS, a hot water extract of the Coriolus versicolor (CV) mushroom, in female Swiss mice. The extract was administered in the diet for life to the animals. Three groups of mice received the following treatments: a). 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (1,2-DMH) was administered as 10 weekly subcutaneous injections of 20 microg/g body weight, starting at 9 weeks of age; b). VPS was given at a 2% dose level starting at 7 weeks of age followed by 1,2-DMH, as described in group a; c). 1,2-DMH was administered as described in group a followed by VPS at a 2% dose level starting at 21 weeks of age. The number of animals with large intestinal tumors and the total number of these tumors were: a). 30,321; b). 29,359; and c). 28,415. These differences are not statistically significant. Because extracts of the CV mushroom are used by cancer patients as nutritional supplements in the U.S., and particularly in the Orient, the present negative result should caution its users.

PMID: 16097440 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Fungicidal value of wood tar from pyrolysis of treated wood.

Mazela B.

Institute of Chemical Wood Technology, Agricultural University of Pozna?, Wojska Polskiego 38/42, PL-60637 Pozna?, Poland.


The objective of the paper was to estimate the fungicidal value of wood tar extracted as a product of pyrolysis of wood previously treated with either creosote oil or CCB-type salt preservative. The effectiveness of wood treated with one of these two wood tar residuals was compared to the effectiveness of wood treated with virgin creosote oil (type WEI-B) and an untreated control. Wood was impregnated with alcohol solutions of the two extracted preservatives or virgin creosote oil and then subjected to the Coniophora puteana, Poria placenta and Coriolus versicolor fungi. The fungicidal values of the investigated preservatives were determined with the use of the short agar-block method and the aging test according to the standard EN 84. It was found that wood tar extracted by pyrolysis of old creosote-treated wood and then used to treat wood may have potential as a preservative for wood protection or as a component of preservatives.

PMID: 17011772 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Mushroom immunutrition in Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

In the recently published edition of the Journal of Integrated Medicine (Online version), Dr. Jean Monro of the Breakspear Hospital outlines the impact of Coriolus versicolor supplementation as immunonutrition in thirty-six (36) Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) patients over a six week period.

The 36 patients were selected on the basis of international criteria for the diagnosis of CFIDS. Ages ranged from 17 years to 83 years and there was a female-to-male ratio of 2:1. In addition, the patients had a combination of high antibody levels to Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and/or Herpes Simplex 6 virus (HHV6) and/or Cytomegalovirus. (CMV).

Patients were given Coriolus versicolor (non-extracted) 6 tablets daily for 15 days (3 g/day), followed by 3 tablets daily for 45 days (1.5 g/day). Immune parameters were measured before and after the sixty (60) day supplementation period.

Results were noted in two areas:

1) Natural Killer Cells–before treatment the average NK cell level was average=129.64/mm3. After treatment this had increased to 175/mm3, an increase of 35%.

2) T cells (CD3 CD26)–there was increased activation in 66% of patients and T cell depression in 22% of patients. T cell level was unchanged in 11% of the patients.


Supplementation with non-extracted Coriolus versicolor showed improvements in both immune parameters and viral levels in the majority of the thirty-six (36) CFIDS patients, indicating that Coriolus versicolor supplementation has the potential to play a significant role in the treatment of CFIDS.

A Review of Research on the Protein-Bound Polysaccharide from the Mushroom Coriolus Versicolor

Mushrooms are known for their nutritional and medicinal value (Breene, 1990) and also for the diversity of bioactive compounds they contain. The mushroom Coriolus versicolor (Yun Zhi) was recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shi Zhen during the Ming Dynasty in China, as being beneficial to health and able to bring longevity if consumed regularly. Various products derived from this mushroom and claimed to have medicinal value are commercially available. Among them, PSK (Sakagami et al., 1991) and PSP are the most prominent. It is the intent of this article to summarize research data pertaining to PSP.

PSK (Sakagami et al., 1991) and PSP are two chemically related products of the mushroom Coriolus versico~or isolated from deeplayer cultivated mycelia of the COV-1 and CM-101 strains, by Chinese and Japanese investigators, respectively. The similarities and differences of the two products have been pointed out by the Fungi Research Institute (1993a). Both possess a molecular weight of approximately 100 kDa and their polypeptide moieties are rich in aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Monosaccharides with o~-1,4 and [3-1,3 glucosidic linkages constitute the pol~saccharide moieties of PSP and PSK: fucose is found in the latter¢ whereas arabinose and rhamnose occur in the former. Both PSP and PSK have been found to be immunoenhancing and effective against tumor cells.

For full article click here.

Coriolus Versicolor – The Miracle Mushroom

This extract taken from details various trials and treatments of Coriolus Veriscola.

It shrank his liver tumor by 90%––after his doctor gave up on him.

A man describes his oncologist as “the most negative man I ever met.” The doctor treated Mr. G. for liver cancer for six years, then gave him up as untreatable. “After the chemo failed, he threw up his hands, shrugged his shoulders, wished me good luck, and said there was nothing else he could do,” according to Mr. G. “And surgery couldn’t be performed either, because the consulting surgeon saw that the tumor was wrapped around my vena cava blood vessel.”

Mr G. told his oncologist, “I totally reject what you are telling me. I do not accept that nothing can be done to affect the outcome of this disease.” The doctor said, “Well, I know what I’m talking about when it comes to cancer. I’m a scientist.”

Mr G. shot back, “Yes, but you’re not God!” Four years later the patient was healthy again after using the type of therapies known as CAIM (complementary/ alternative/integrative medicine), especially including capsules containing the powdered extract of a mushroom, Coriolus versicolor. Mr G. learned about the remedy on the Internet and he can tell you all about it, having downloaded nearly 400 studies.

Amazingly, Mr. G.’s liver cancer reduced to less than ten percent of its original size. His CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) cancer marker fell more than two-thirds from 296 to 97.9.

What is Coriolus Versicolor?

Like all mushrooms, Coriolus versicolor is a fungus, one of more than a half million varieties worldwide. Many of them have been known for thousands of years to have medicinal properties. And as you may know, gourmets the world over prize both wild and commercially grown mushrooms. Some European cookbooks even call them “flowers of the fall.” Whatever you call them, certain mushrooms are a perfect food for staying trim and healthy. They have little or no fat and some species, like Coriolusversicolor, boast valuable therapeutic and nutritional benefits. But a few fungi are poisonous and we do not recommend that nonexperts attempt to harvest their own. Coriolus versicolor goes by a number of botanical names, including Trametes versicolor and Boletus versicolor.

“Versicolor” refers to the mushroom’s various colors. In North America, the common name is “turkey tail,” while in Japan it is called by a name meaning “mushroom by the river bank” and in China its name indicates it’s a cloud fungus that grows best in the rain.

Over 400 clinical studies have shown that a purified extract derived from the mushroom Coriolus versicolor offers strong benefits for the immune system. Clinical studies indicate the extract’s ingredients are especially effective against stomach, uterine, colon and lung cancer.

Anecdotal evidence and clinical experience suggest it also works well against prostate, breast, liver and colorectal cancer. Studies of rats and mice show that this mushroom is effective against many experimental animal cancers such as sarcoma and hepatoma.

Martha I.’s lung cancers disappear

“Of course,” says Dr. Bailey, “some cancer patients take Coriolus versicolor even while they engage in radiation treatment or chemotherapy. Or the patients don’t submit to chemotherapy or radiotherapy at all but rely, instead, exclusively on nutritional therapies with the medicinal mushroom as the main treatment ingredient.

“For example, one of my patients, Martha I., a 34-year-old woman working in the health field, consulted me with a cancer spreading at two sites in her lungs. Orthodox treatment had been tried but no longer was effective. She discontinued her smoking of two cigarette packs a day and embarked on nutritional therapies.

The nutrients included Martha’s completing six months of taking Coriolus versicolor. After this halfyear, radiological examination showed that all of her lung tumors had disappeared. Seeing her current progress, orthodox medicine probably would declare this patient to be cured.”

Blood tests show how the mushroom boosts immunity

I spoke with a doctor who measures natural killer cell (NK) counts and considers them a valuable cancer

marker. Kenneth Bock, M.D., is the medical director of two holistic medical clinics, one in Rhinebeck, New York and the other in Albany. “Because it increases natural killer (NK) cell activity, I think of using Coriolus versicolor mainly when I’m confronted with a patient suffering from cancer or a viral infection,” he says. “This mushroom is one of the main medicinal compounds I use to boost a diminished blood reading which records NK activity. The mushroom’s active biological response modifier produces a marked improvement in NK cell function and number, something I monitor by blood testing. If the blood reading is low, my patient takes greater amounts of PSK capsules. And, although it’s an expensive and sophisticated assay, I repeat my NK cell testing inside of a month or two. In a number of patients, I’ve seen some nice blood test improvement.”

Dr. Bock finds that a few patients with advanced metastatic cancer see their NK counts jump from 2 or 3 to a normal 20 to 50.

Patient’s immune system recovers

“I can illustrate what I’m saying by providing a before-and-after case history plus the literature that backs my claim,” Dr. Bock states. His patient was a white, married computer consultant named Marty E., sixty years old and suffering from high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis when he was also found to have polyps on his larynx. These were removed, with radiation therapy as a follow-up. But then Marty E. was also found to have prostate cancer.

“His blood test showed diminished natural killer cell activity at the level of 6 m/u,” Dr. Bock states. “Still, Marty wanted no conventional therapy for prostate cancer. So I started him on alternative medical therapies for prostate cancer and to improve his deficient NK cell activity. Coriolus versicolor was a definite part of his treatment regimen.

“Within two months, the patient’s NK cell activity elevated to 18 m/u. And two months after that his NK cell activity increased to a normal 31 m/u. Now the man is doing well physically, and he tells me he feels great! I would say this type of response to the  PSK therapy is usual; the patient’s quality of life does improve dramatically and he or she feels asense of well-being,” according to Dr. Bock.

A naturpathic doctor named Tori Hudson told of her clinical experience using PSK for breast cancer patients during and after chemotherapy. “My impression is that patients taking Coriolus versicolor are experiencing less side effects from chemotherapy such as diminished fatigue, less nausea (but not less hair loss), and more stable white blood cell counts. I have not measured natural killer cell counts,” she states.

Animal studies confirm what patients see for themselves

Animal studies show PSK is effective against a long list of cancers including melanoma, sarcoma, mammary cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. Studies also show it inhibits metastasis to other sites. The studies indicate PSK enhances the immune system and battles cancer cells. It’s been shown to prolong the survival time and stimulate the production of cancer antibodies in mice with cancer.

PSK is also a potent antiviral remedy that may hold new hope for HIV-AIDS. It even lowers cholesterol in animals and speeds up recovery from burns in rabbits when used in combination with the herb Astragalus membranaceus.

Can be used in combination with conventional treatments

Human patients who have decided to stick with conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy need to know that PSK renders these toxic treatments much more effective, as shown by a number of clinical studies.

A Japanese study looked at the effectiveness of 200 phytochemicals (plant substances) when used in combination with chemotherapy and radiation. Coriolus versicolor was found to be the best of the bunch. The researchers suggest that this medicinal mushroom seems to protect the immune system from being suppressed by prolonged use of chemotherapy drugsand by the cancer itself.

Further investigations indicate a marked improvement in the survival rates of chemo and radiationpatients taking the mushroom therapy when compared with those who did not. For patients with Stage I lung cancer observed over ten years, the tumor shrinkage and survival rate was 39 percent for those taking PSK compared to only 16 percent for patients receiving the toxic therapies without the mushroom extract. That’s a huge difference––more than twice as many survived and/or improved with the help of PSK.

Those lung cancer patients with more serious Stage II cancer experienced a 22 percent tumor shrinkage and survival rate over ten years when they took Coriolus versicolor orally while being treated with chemo or radiation. Among the people who didn’t take the herbal remedy the figure was a mere five percent.

From this study of 185 lung cancer patients it appears the mushroom extract can make the toxic therapies anywhere from two to four times more effective.

A Japanese study of 262 gastric cancer patients tested the mushroom’s efficacy following surgery. During a follow-up period ranging from five to seven years, the half who received the mushroom extract survived at substantially higher rates. The researchers concluded that PSK was a useful adjunctive therapy to surgery and chemo.

A Japanese study of breast cancer patients found similar results: Those who received PSK along with chemotherapy had better outcomes than those who did not. And a study of 28 patients suffering from acute leukemia––all on chemotherapy––showed an average survival time of 21 months for those who took the mushroom extract and 12 months for those who did not.