Difficulties with vision caused by Diabetis was improved with inLifes, inForce Immune builder.

Regina Housh says:
Like writer Paula Kaufman above, I also suffered from vision difficulties due to diabetis. Dr. Brent Easley suggested I conduct my own research on inForce and make an informed decision. I did and began taking 2 pills twice a day and later increased it to 3 pills. Where I once experienced very blurry vison with an additional element of what I describe as foggy, I now enjoy sharp, clear, crisp vision. As an avid reader this has proven invaluable on a daily basis. This improvement was within 2 weeks of first taking the inForce. I also recently had the normal bloodwork tests that all diabetics get on a regular basis. This was the first time my results were excellent on all tests. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a result of inForce. I look forward to whatever other improvements I notice with my health.

Using alternative herbal medicine instead of Chemotherapy.

Pamela Prizant says:
I had to go through chemotherapy in my early 30?s for breast cancer – if I had it to do over again I would only take the InForce and nothing else – in fact, if (God Forbid) I ever have the cancer again I will refuse taking horrible chemo and only take the InForce!! I totally believe in the InLife InForce Products and know that I am going to help people be saved from many auto-immune deficiency diseases!!

Treating Calloused hands and feet with Coriolus Versicolor Immune builder.

Jim Dunn says:
I have been a Salon owner and hair stylist for many years now and have suffered with dry cracked and sometimes bleeding hands. It was not uncommon for me to have 2 to 4 bandaids on each hand. Beginning several months ago I began have the same problem with my feet. They became very calloused and cracked. I began taking Inforce (coriolis Versicolor)when it became available and started seeing marked improvements after the first week after 2 weeks my hands began to be soft again in about a month and a half my hands and feet are back to normal. Pain free and crack free. soft to the touch. A little bonise, I can snap my fingers again

How inForce immune builder helped with Chronic bronchitis and asthma.

I have suffered from asthma since childhood. The disease has steadily progressed over the last few years to include acute chronic bronchitis and asthma. I have taken several trips to the emergency room and was hospitalized twice over the past three years, being unable to breathe.

My doctor has been prescribing me Prednisone a very powerful steroid which opens up my airways and has undoubtedly saved my life. The problem has been that Prednisone suppresses my immune system. I have been on a vicious cycle for about three years now. The Prednisone would open my air ways and the Antibiotics would get rid of the infection so I could breathe normally. Because of my suppressed immune system in about two weeks I would get another bronchial infection, the infection would trigger my asthma, I would go back on the Prednisone and the cycle would continue. I have had to take Prednisone at least once a month for seven days over the last 2 years.

Now for the good news! The last time I took Prednisone was 4 weeks ago. Three weeks ago I started taking the inLife inForce and truly believe it is making a major difference in my immune system. I have not gone 4 weeks without taking Prednisone in over 2 years. This weekend I started coughing and I felt my lungs start to tighten up. I said to myself oh great here it comes back again, but I took an extra dose of the inForce on Sunday. Monday morning I had stopped coughing and was breathing freely. I saw my doctor today he checked my oxygen level in my blood and it was better than it had been in 6 months, and my lungs sounded very clear. Thank you inLife for this tremendous product.


Brian Bush
Independent inLife Distributor

How inForce immune builder 2 times a day helped Colitis.

I also have a story, similar to the guy on this weekends testimonials, concerning Colitis. After taking the product for just 2 weeks, my symptoms are completely gone and I feel like a new guy and the only thing I have done differently is take the inforce 2/day and whallah! I’m a believer!. Thanks a million

Jack Mast
Ft. Myers, FL.

Inflamed prostate reduced and improved by inLifes, inForce immune builder.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with an inflamed prostate, which, was giving me a constant severe ache in that area, and also making walking very painful.

Three weeks ago I started taking inForce, and in just a few days I had no pain at all. Obviously I need to see my doctor, to confirm any improvement, but from the way I feel, and from the total absence of pain, it would seem that the inflammation is remarkably reduced, and is not now causing any pressing problems.

I really can’t say how ecstatic I am about InForce, it is truly an amazing natural remedy, and I would advise anybody, without any doubt, to try it.

To everybody, and especially Inlife.

Many very happy Regards.

John Thomas.

How inForce immune builder saved my foot from being amputated due to diabetes.

I always knew that diabetes ran in my family, starting with my Dad (William T. Kaufman) who past away from type one diabetes. My brother Jerry was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 10 years a go and my other brother Bill was type one diagnoses. My twin sister Paulette is also type 2.

Early 2010 I had a job that required travel and I had recently returned from one of my long trips. I went to the cleaners to wash my close and while standing at the counter I blacked out and they thought I had a heart attack. When I came through I thought it was just jet lag and fatigue. I then went and got something to eat and drink and did not think of it as being diabetic.

Around mid July 2010 I was strolling on the beach with a friend when I got a splinter in the palm of my foot. I was very fatigue that day so I went home and took a three hour nap and when I woke I had a temp of 108 and my foot was swelling up and would not go down. Two or three days later I decided to go to the emergency because of the redness and swelling that had appeared. My temperature was still at 108 and my blood pressure was elevated. After they drew my blood they came back and said I had an infection that was so bad that they would have to admit me. At that time it had been about 4 hours since I ate so my sugar could have been around 600 plus should I have eaten however it was in the 300s. I was started on diabetic treatments with insulin shots immediately. I was very concern about my stay in the hospital because I was there for 9 days and my bill was over $30,000. It took them that long to stabilize my sugar levels. They finally found a splinter on the bottom of my foot and an ulcer between my toes about size of my pinky. This was an open ulcer with fluid draining from it. They sent me home on antibiotics, diabetic medication and blood pressure medications. I was told to clean my foot twice a day with iodine solution and to keep it elevated.

I went to an infectious disease Dr. for several weeks along with a foot specialist and primary Dr. No change was taken place in a positive direction however I had more fluid coming out and swelling that I have ever seen.

When I left the hospital I got a call form my friend Dan Gracia who briefly mentioned something about the inForce product based on the Coriolus Versicolor Mushroom. However I told Dan that I would do some research on it and I continued to do what the Dr. said by keeping my foot clean and staying off of it however it had gotten worst. Then about two weeks after the first call from Dan he called me again with his friend Jim Monde on the phone. At that time they where giving me a bunch of testimonies about this product.

The swelling and redness was getting so bad that it began to clime up my leg and it looked like I had Elephantitis and then other leg started to swell because I was depending on it so much. This entire time I had walked with a walker.

I was scheduled for a Dr.’s appointment the same week that Dan, Jim and I talked and I was not feeling good on the inside about what the Dr. might say because by this time I had been out of work for a couple of months and things where not looking good. I started thinking about my two brothers that are ready to loose there life. Both with cancer and the one with sever infections from a bad surgery. I went to the Dr. and as my gut was telling me he gave me the bad news that we would have to amputate my foot due to the infections. That was on the Thursday prior to the memorial weekend. After leaving the Dr.’s office I remembered what Dan and Jim had told me and started to pray about it. I then called Dan and gave him the bad news. Dan then told me that he would make a rush 24 hour order so that I would not have to spend the holiday weekend without the inForce product. The product arrived on the next day Friday and I immediately started to take them. I averaged about 7 pills a day until I saw the Dr. on Tuesday after the holiday. The Dr. stated to me that we are seeing a turn around here and healing of about 20-30% and it had only been 5 days since I started the product. After 7 days I saw more improvement and decided to increase my intake to 12 capsules a day. The following week I went back to the Dr. and he could not believe the rate of healing. He said it was improving so rapidly that the ulcer was healing up, the swelling was going down, the redness was subsiding and the fluid was slowing down. He also mentioned that at this pace I could be off of my crouches within a week to two weeks. I am scheduled to see him on September 26, 2010 I currently am still taking the product and have seen great improvement and also have notice my sugars’ are not bottoming out and blood pressure is staying normal. Because of the diabetes I have cataracts and bleeding behind the eyes. I have noticed improvement in my vision and I can’t wait to see what my eye Dr. has to say when I see him on November 12th to determine my surgery options for my eyes.

I am feeling much more energy, my skin is tightening and much smoother. I had a split finger nail from a fungus and it would not heal for over a year, it is now almost all healed. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night from sugar lows any more and my ringing in the ears has stopped. My mind is feeling sharper and I don’t feel like I have any forgetfulness.

This is a product that I recommend for anyone and everyone because the medical community is not telling us the entire truth about earths natural benefits. I want to thank the almighty, Dan Gracia, Jim Monde and inLife for introducing me to an amazing miracle product that I know will change the world.

Yours Truly

Love and blessings

Paulyah Ezekiel Kaufman

Allergies treated with Coriolus Versicolor also know as inForce, by inLife.

Hi. My name is Quintin and I use the inForce. It helps me get up earlier and fall asleep faster. It is very easy to swallow. I don’t have allergies anymore. The coriolus versicolor has helped me a lot.

Quintin W – 11yrs old
Cleveland, Ohio

My name is Jennifer Welsh, I am Quintin’s mom. Quintin has suffered from severe allergies all year long for most of his childhood. Each year I spend a lot of time and money trying new products to help him and have had no success. Since using the inForce, I have noticed a 100% improvement with his allergies. Quintin has had more energy and has been able to wake up in the mornings for school on his own. The sneezing, coughing and stuffiness cleared up immediately. This has improved his quality of life so much that he is willing to take it without any nagging!

I would like to sincerely thank the co-founders of inLife for introducing this product.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Welsh
Regional Manager, inLife
Cleveland, Ohio